Sarbay Beach Fest - Morning Activities and Fireworks Display

It was a nice morning though most of us were tired from the last night foam party. To rejuvenate all we need is a good breakfast. Looking for food or a place to eat was not a problem since there were lots of booths which sell foods and souvenirs. 

After eating breakfast we took a shower, I really thought that we will be having hard time with bathrooms since there were thousands of people but thank goodness it was not really a problem since there were lots of bathroom available you just have to pay 15 pesos. I want to say that whoever accountable for cleaning the beach they really did a great job. When having a beach party it is common that the next day the beach will be so dirty, full of bottles, plastic and garbage but I did not see a lot of mess. Kudos to them!

After shower we did not do anything but rest since most of us did not sleep last night so I took the chance to roam around and take pictures. Here are the photos ^^,

I also watched some of the competition, the contestants were from different cities of the Philippines.

Beach Volleyball 

Kite Flying



Kite Flying


Jet ski

Before the sun set they had zumba dance unfortunately at night it rained but it didn't stop the people from having fun they even have party under the rain. The rain lasted up to 1-2 hours. There were still party and dancing on the second night but unlike last night there were no foam.

Around midnight, we watched the fireworks display. I really enjoyed it because I was very young the last time I saw Fireworks display because fireworks and firecrackers are banned in Davao City good thing it is not banned in Sarbay.

At 5:00 am when the party were finally over we went back to our van to go home. Before finally leaving Sarbay we stopped by in a place where most people take picture when going to Sarbay. It has an overlooking view of the beach.

By: Doris Jamoner

Sarbay Beach Fest - Foam Party

Every summer Sarbay (Saranggani Bay) celebrates beach festival and this year is their 10th anniversary. My team mates in the office decided to have a team building there. At first most of us were not sure if we will go or not because it is far and there will be lots of people in that place but we still end up going there because we thought it is just once in a lifetime experience.

The festival started last May 15-16 2015. We went 15th in the afternoon since we had work in the morning. We reached Sarbay around 10:00 pm, that was 5 hours of travel from Davao City to Saranggani.

We rented a van which is good for 10-15 person for 7500 pesos.

When we reached Sarbay we were like lost kid we were not sure where to park or build our tent since there were lots of people, everything was full and we were not familiar with the place but good thing we found a place along the beach shore where we can build our tent.

When we were all set up we sat on the sand and had some drink while waiting for the foam party to start.

 After we consumed our drinks we went to join the crowd for the foam party.

The party was until morning (5:00 AM). My workmates really have lots of energy they were able to drink and party all night without sleeping. I decided to sleep because I want to save some energy for the next day event and I want to see the beauty of the place in the morning. Watch out for my next blog our second day in Sarbay, the beauty of Sarbay and what are the activities in the morning.

By: Doris Jamoner

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